RESET is a simple, painless and effective method that can be used to re-balance the Jaw. It can be used to heal yourself and others. RESET directs healing energy through the muscles, nerves, and ligaments in the Jaw to achieve a state of balance quickly and easily.
The slightest tension in the Jaw Muscles can alter the normal balanced position of the TMJ. By deeply relaxing the Jaw Muscles with natural healing energy, the TMJ can correctly reset itself. The TMJ plays a major role in cranial and spinal dynamics.
What is RESET?
Through sending healing energy into the muscles and tendons that relate to the Temporomandibular joint (TMJ), we both relax these muscles and the organs and glands these relate to. In doing this the TMJ can reset into its correct position, thereby rebalancing the whole body. This balances the body’s hydration, structure, muscles, neurology, glands and organs.
Development of RESET
RESET was developed and researched by Philip Rafferty, a Melbourne based kinesiologist. It originally formed part of the Kinergetics series of workshops. The results were so powerful and consistent that it was taken out of Kinergetics, adapted and simplified so that it could be made available to a broader range of people, allowing anyone to simply and rapidly access and direct this healing energy.
How it works to ease the TMJ
The TMJ (jaw joint) influences the body as a whole, including the body s skeletal, muscular, nervous, meridian systems and hydration.
- By relaxing the jaw muscles the TMJ is correctly reset. The TMJ, due to its central role in cranial and spinal dynamics, affects the quality of the brain/muscular feedback system. The slightest tension in the jaw muscles can alter the normal balanced position of the TMJ, causing confused electrical messages to be relayed throughout the body.
- The Trigeminal nerve is the largest of the cranial nerves, from its sensory nuclei in the cerebral hemisphere, to C2, then the rest of the body. It has a myriad of transportation routes, interconnections and sensory distribution to and from most areas of the cranium including the TMJ. It has proprioceptive input from, and motor innervation to, the Temporalis, Masseter and Pterygoid muscles. It is intimately connected to the Lateral Pterygoid and the complete craniosacral system, so any imbalance in the TMJ will have widespread repercussions. The Trigeminal nuclei have numerous interconnections with other central nervous tract systems, one of which is the Reticular Alarm System (RAS). This primary defence and survival system initiates tension of the muscles of mastication, the spinal and cranial dura, and the body fascia, to hold the face and head together, and to stabilize and protect the brain, spinal cord, and the sacro iliac and pelvic structures. In an accident the jaw muscles will therefore tighten to protect the brain and spine, a response Dr. Carl Ferreri, calls “Defensive Jaw.” This emotional stress could still be held in the muscles years later, resulting in a chronically “tense” jaw. RESET not only releases the muscle tension, but often results in a release of long-held subconscious emotions.
- The body’s energy flow has been mapped out in the Meridians of Chinese Acupuncture. The Stomach, Small Intestine, Triple Warmer, Gall Bladder and Large Intestine Meridians run over the muscles around the TMJ. Touch For Health teaches 42 major muscle tests, correlated to the 14 meridians. Ninety percent of these muscles can be corrected with RESET.
- Empirical kinesiology testing has shown that energising the jaw muscles balances the Psoas and Sartorius muscles which relate to the Kidneys and Adrenals, allowing the body to utilise water more efficiently. Hydration influences nerve impulse conduction, biochemical reactions, and the whole body, as water is the medium in which our bodies operate.
- The dynamic interactions between the TMJ, Sphenoid bone, and Atlas (C1), affects the whole body via a variety of mechanisms (e.g. Lovett Brother, sacro-occipital, vestibular-ocular reflexes and respiratory and pelvic diaphragms). Any hypertonicity (tightness) of the jaw muscles, especially the Lateral Pterygoids and Temporalis, may cause “torqueing” or twisting of the Sphenoid bone. The Sphenoid is the key to cranial bone dynamics, as it is the only bone in the cranium that articulates with every other cranial bone except two of the facial bones. The Sphenoid is also the “hanger” from which the skeletal system is aligned. Resetting the TMJ muscles has a far-reaching impact on conditions ranging from headaches to neck and lower back pain. Hiatal Hernia, digestive valve function (ICV, etc.) and sequencing the digestive tract function, are all affected by the integrity and balance of the TMJ.
John Upledger’s statement in his book Craniosacral Therapy II, is of great importance in relation to the TMJ System. “We have found that the temporomandibular joint possesses remarkable ability to adapt and reconstruct, given the chance.”
Benefits of RESET for the body, mind and soul
RESET improves the assimilation and utilisation of water in the body and enhances the body’s abilty to heal itself. The only correction is energy.
RESET can provide many benefits including:
- More stability in hip, knee and foot muscles
- A more balanced acupuncture meridian system
- Less tension in 80% of muscles in the body
- Less headaches, sinus problems and migraines
- Improved digestion and assimilation of food
- More balanced glands and hormones
- Improved toxin elimination through the kidneys
- Improved learning ability
Here at Massage and Kinesiology our Kinesiologist Peter is able to perform a Jaw Reset in a 1 hour appointment and is a skilled RESET Consultant.
There are currently more than 180 RESET Instructors and Consultants worldwide. You can learn how to do RESET on others and on yourself in a simple 3 hour Workshop.